Kačka was born in 1988 as a second child, into a traditional Romani family. The family lived in
a socially excluded locality like many other Roma children at the time, kept their mother at
home for as long as possible and did not attend kindergarten. She did not feel well at school,
had difficulty learning, but found a love of dancing. The family situation became very
complicated at the age of 8, after the tragic death of their father in a car accident. Kačka’s
mother was left to take care of her and her brother.
Even in such a difficult life situation, her mother supported Kačka in her love of dancing. She
allowed her to visit a leisure center, where she was actively involved in dance, and later she
also worked as a teacher for 4 years. Together with her brother, Kačka also visited a lowthreshold facility for children and youth, where she spent free time with other children, had
the opportunity to tutor and experienced a lot of trips, creative activities and support in
developing their talents.
After completing 9 years of compulsory schooling, Kačka entered the Secondary Vocational
School and after successfully graduating, she soon began working as a metalworking worker.
She worked here for 6 years until she got married and went on maternity leave.
Even then, however, she remained very active, working part-time in the fitness center and
also as a dance teacher in a low-threshold facility for children and youth. Here, the contact
worker noticed Kačka’s talent for working with children from a socially excluded locality and
offered her a supplementary education in the form of a social services worker course, which
she successfully completed. Kačka was also a member of the dance ensemble Malaika, which
won first place at the 2014 World Dance Championships in the Latin dance category in Liberec.
In 2020, a new job offer came. The headmistress of the elementary school, who knew Kačka
by hearsay and knew that she was mainly dedicated to children from socially excluded locality,
offered her a position as an assistant at her school. The condition was, of course, to complete
the course of a teaching assistant, so Kačka began to study again. She is currently working at
the school for the second school year, and she enjoys and fulfills her work. And how else, even
here he leads a dance and movement group for children and fulfills his dream.