The Dialogue for Mutual Understanding project is currently approximately halfway through its journey. Since the beginning of the project, more than 600 people of the target group have already been strengthened with measures to strengthen the status of Roma. Almost 300 Roma were supported in community work, when pro-Roma organizations organize regular events and meetings. We perceive such high numbers as a great success.
Furthermore, the project focuses on a positive image of the Roma, which aims to create a favorable relationship between the majority public and people from the Roma community by means of joint events to support the knowledge of Roma culture and coexistence in the community. Such events include the Singing and Art Competition, Talent Competition, International Roma Day, meetings with externs, etc.
As part of the project, a cooperation platform was created, which has already held its 6th meeting out of a total of 12, at which representatives of all partner organizations meet regularly (, o.p.s.,Elim Opava, o.p.s., Ecce Homo Šternberk, z.s., representatives of the cities of Krnov, Opava and Moravský Beroun and Silesian university in Opava), together with members of the target group, who see the most in the shared issue. At the platform meetings, the key issues of promoting the interests of the Roma minority, increasing their activation, communication and facilitation skills, supporting inclusion and integration, and empowering the Roma are addressed.
Educational activities for the target group and workers are another point that the project deals with. Education is always focused on the needs of the target group, so that it is as beneficial as possible and used in practice. Currently, 10 educational activities for the target group and 2 educational activities for social workers have already taken place.
Publicity is another important point of the project, where the following have already been published: 3 articles in the press, 7 press releases, 1 TV report and 4 examples of good practice.