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Watch the „Dialogue for Mutual Understanding“ video

For the second year we are implementing the project „Dialogue for Mutual Understanding„, which is supported by a grant from the Norway Grants 2014 – 2021. The project is aimed at supporting the inclusion and empowerment of Roma in the Czech Republic, especially in the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions.

The project has created a cooperation platform where representatives from the Silesian University, pro-Roma organisations and representatives from the towns of Opava, Krnov and Moravský Beroun and representatives from the communities meet regularly. During the project period, a number of events have taken place in order to achieve the project goal. These included various workshops, courses, training aimed at acquiring knowledge or competences supporting Roma integration, activities supporting community work, activities helping to create a positive image of Roma, including the presentation of good examples of practice and the transfer of experience improving coexistence between Roma and the majority.

Currently, we have also managed to create our own spot for the project, which we would like to present to you now and which you can watch HERE.