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Press Releases

This project is funded by Norway grants 2014-2021
Program Intermediary – Ministry of Finance

Tento projekt je financován Norskými fondy 2014-2021

International Roma Day in Krnov

On the occasion of the International Roma Day celebrations, the staff, in cooperation with colleagues Euroropia.cz, Fr. Opava, prepared an […]

International Roma Day in Opava

This year’s International Roma Day celebrations took place in the cities of Opava and Krnov. Nature trails in Opava (Městské sady, […]

Afternoon with fairytale

On March 1, 2022 we took part in the project “Dialogue for mutual understanding” visited theater, teacher and illustrator you […]

Show, what you can! (online)

On December 9, 2021, the 5th year of the SHOW WHAT YOU CAN DO talent competition took place. Due to […]


In cooperation with the organization Ecce Homo Šternberk, we organized a family event named Kitting. The event took place on 22. 10. 2021. […]

Dialogue to Mutual Understanding

At the beginning of August 2021, a project called Dialogue to Mutual Understanding was launched. The project aims to support the […]

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